MotivasiG - Dadmight be a littlesurprised to findmethisshort letter.Weseldomtalkheart to heart.Ourconversationwas limited tothe latestnews reportsorthrowingcomments aboutthe television show.It's okayWell, Iknowmy fatherdid notlikethe mother whoopensheartsto share thatanxiety.
Therefore,Idecided towritethis short letteras a means ofconveyinga wedgeliver.I alsounderstoodbehind therigid stancethatDadhad,Dadsavemillionsanxiousforyour daughter's.EspeciallywhenIwas the age ofmature andready fora family.
Thislettercomesas an antidote toanxietyheart thatmy fatherhad.Yes, fromnow youneed not worry anymore,becausemy choicemenreallywilyguard your heart. MotivasiG -Father, at first glanceyoumightnot as warm asa mother figure.Butnot the leastInever doubtedthe magnitude ofaffection
Father did not selantang or as open as Mother in showing love. When I was a toddler, my father would not be upset and anxiety disorder when I fell off the bike. Dad did not talk much. Dad just immediately took my attitude and treat the wounded. It was there that I understand, there are a number of anxiety and caring father also had. I understand well, the portion of affection that my father and mother have the same magnitude. Dad worked hard to meet all the needs. I also never forget when my father prepared to sweat more than usual
to get extra money, in order to buy one or two things that I really
wanted. Affectionate father any more I sink in when I turned almost grown and is being studied in a neighboring town. Dad used to call me even without many words. Inquire on me and when I re-treading house to fulfill the number of families. Again I really understand, that love truly immeasurable Father told me about it. MotivasiG -When I began to know him and hook up your eyes as being worse than before. I know, you just do not want your little girl hurt
I understandthe anxietythatDadhadincreasinglybecomewhen Istarted tohit their teens.The period in whichIhavestarted toget to knowa little loveandyes,of courseman.Daddid not hesitatealwaysawakeeverynightfor the sake ofwaiting,especiallyonSaturdaynight.To ensurehis daughterinto the housein one piece.
Ialsounderstand thatmy fathersecretlyselecting theman coming intomy life.Notalways being friendlyandopen to everymanis a partof theexam.HighlightsharpassessDadwould oftenhover.Takes a closer lookdeeperfor measuring thelevel ofhonesty.Yes,all thatDadlakonito have thesuitorof choice.Whichiscapable ofhappinessandto whomyour daughterwill be submitted. MotivasiG -However,nowthere is no longerneed toworry aboutmy father.ThisguyI thinkcouldfulfillmy choice.We are readyto welcomethe future
Now heno longer need torun overanxiety.Yes, the manwhowillsoon beable tokeepwith meismy heart, well.Hehas a characterlikeDad.Hewill try to keepmy heartwithhis body.No one willletmestay longhoards ofangryandagitated.Healsoalwaysavailablejustwhen I wastiredand was atits lowest point.
Will yougive a lot ofblessingforourrelationship?In order forthis relationshipblessedand roadswithlittle resistancewill beopenfor both of us. MotivasiG -From thedeepest heartI saidapologizeprofusely.Maybeyour daughtereverscratchedvariety of flavors.Fromstartto worry,disappointed,untilhave not had timeto make you proud
Father,throughthis letterIalsowant toapologize to you.Interwovenfather-sonwe haveisnot as smooth asthe freeway.In fact,my father and Ioftenclashedbecause we areequallyobstinate.Ioftenmakea lot ofstoreangryfather.Either becauseI madea lot ofwrongtodisobeybecauseoften Ifeel the mostcorrect.
Ialso understandthatIhave nothad time tocarvepride.There's not muchIwishDadcouldmake happen.Yetno one canalsodedicatethe sakedonatea smile.WellI'm sorry,but needyou to knowthat I am nowstrugglingtomakeMom and Dadproud. MotivasiG -Studythe next lifeis now readyto face.But trustmy father's positionwill not bereplaced.IstillDaddy's little girlwhocouldalwayscount onyouevery day
Nowindeed Ialreadyhave a girlfriend.Dadwas no longerthe only maninmy life.Father did nothave tobe mad ifafatherinthe folds ofmy heartwill bedisplaced.No need to worrytooifI was goingto forgetmy father.Dadis stillthe number onemanfor me.Without youI would neversee the world.
MotivasiG -The distance to thetangle ofus,Ilove youandmy feelingswill foreverremain the same.Dadis stillthe champion.
Good morning dear, May you always be in the shadow of God, wherever you walk. Yes, You've always liked to climb, climb a mountain if it worship, you
are servants elaborate always comes first in the front rows with
dashing. You are often left alone, sometimes makes me "alarmed" here. I was at home reading a book while watching TV. But taukah you that I occasionally want you to take a hike? Secretly,
I was jealous, that painting of God more than I get your attention,
Saturday and Sunday we could not take the time for the sake of
penanjakanmu. As a woman, obviously once or twice I spoiled whining. You need to know, do not taste good to spend the night alone, while other friends have a shoulder to lean on and the hand grip. Honey, I want to hike with you, but I know the terrain are taken
around the complex certainly not as easy as my home, whether patient
would lead me? I
lack experience, I knew a lot of baggage to be perched on the back
while doing the climb, I realized will definitely be troublesome. But will my man is not resentful see this? Hope you understand.
Not onlyfashionpride of Indonesia,batikcan also makeyou lookmorecharming.His motiveswerevaried as wellhave been onereasonwhyuntilnowbatikstillbea dream.Various eventscan bemorememorable,ifbatik fashionof choice.Instead ofold-fashioned,batikwearit willmakeyou lookmore unique,interestingand evenstylish.
Well,here's whatwas sofleksibelnyabatikencourageHipweeStyletodiscuss thoroughlyhow tostylewithbatik,ranging fromthe romantictothe campustogoalone witha boyfriend.It's yainspiration... 1. Go to thecampuswith a mix ofhijab,longpantsand topsbatikwill certainlymake youlook more attractive.
Choosing abatik shirtasbosswhengoing to collegewasnotalwaysout of date,you know.With asolid matchfitand keepcivility,withbatikappearancewillbethe plenaryevenclose to perfect.Especially ifyou areveiled,batikloosetopsand trouserswillproduce alookthatis elegant andpolite.
As weknow, the prestige ofbatikblazerbosshas nowmushroomedbeatother batik.The model isflexibleandcanovercome the tedium ofustodressthat's it,makebatikblazervery lovedandiconic.
"Originallydalamanmuplainclothes,batikblazercould be anytimeyouwear.Do nothave to go tocollege,work orinvitationonly."
For those ofyou who liketo look neatwhenngampus,peplumbatik canoccasionallytriedto appear moreunique and yetstillformal.Pair itwithdarkcloth pantsorskirtplainfor more leverageandunsightly. 4.maroonmodernBatikis not onlysimple,butalsoverycasualto accompanyyour footstepsstudy.
Wearingjeansassubordinates,your appearanceissimple but stillcasualwill be maximizedwiththismarooncoloredbatikblouse.Do not worryif itwillbe too rigid,as long as youalsocarrying a bagorwearingshoes withmodernaccents. 5.For a moreyouthfullook,blendbatikshirtanda brighthijabcanoccasionallyyoutry.
Because of the shape,color and motiveare increasinglymodernanddiverse,superiorsbatiknow manycarryingbrightly coloredas an option.Well, youcan participate ina brightshirtmeramaikannyawith innovationssuch as blue,orange, redor yellowturmericwhen they go tocollegeor office.Let me notfailed, matchingoutfitearlierbatikmuwithhijabthat hasa matchingcontrast,yes. 6.Miniblackdressand batikisguaranteed notto fail,makeyour datemore romanticandmemorable.
Instead of a headachethinking aboutwhat clothesaresuitable for useon a dateorgoalone witha boyfriend, you betterpatentedmini dresschoice onbatikalone,deh.The form iselegantbutunique,guaranteed to makeyour girlfriendwas amazed, because itmakes youlook more beautifulbatik. 7.Roktraditional patternedbatikis differentfrom the usual,butyour datesoexciting becauseall at oncein love withthe culture.
For those of you who like to wear batik motifs in everyday life, traditional patterned batik skirt is very feasible docoba being different from usual. Your date is super special will certainly more exciting, because all the chatter, you and your partner will definitely be talking about the uniqueness of batik skirts are you wearing.
"I do not have to wear glamorous higheels or other attributes, you could instead replace it with sneakers or regular flatshoes as footwear."
Sadiq Khan (45) was elected as the first mayor of London who was a Muslim. Sadiq beat his opponent, namely Zac Goldsmith (41) in the London mayoral elections recently. Victory Khan not only inspire the Muslims of the world, but also is expected to providefresh air to the political situation in the UK (Europe), which was rocked by the issue of Islamophobia. Many things can be learned from an Sadiq Khan. How Sadiq finally managed to occupy important positions in the British capital would require businesses not easy. Hence this time MotivasiG will summarize the brief profile of an Sadiq Khan inspiring. 1. You deserve to know if Sadiq Khan did not come from a wealthy family, but born of a middle class family in London.
Foryou who have high ideals, the Bishop Sadiq Khan decent figure you can learn from. Sadiqcamefrom middle class families. His parents were immigrants from Pakistan. The father is a typical red London bus driver. While his mother was a seamstress. Khan graduating in law the University of North London. Then in 1994 he worked as a lawyer at the law firm Christian Fisher. Concentration Khan as a lawyer is in the field of defense of human rights. Achievement Khan who had occupied the seat as mayor of London is very inspiring other Muslims who also had the same dream as Khan. Maybe you are one of them.
2. When the procession inauguration as mayor, Khan brought himself Qur'an then he a present for Buckingham Palace.
"The court asked I want inaugurated under what Gospels? I replied: 'I am a Muslim and Iswear under the Koran, "said Khan
There is an interesting story during the procession Khan inauguration as mayor of London. Before the inauguration procession takes place, the Buckingham palace he asked Khan about to be inducted under what Gospels, Khan replied diplomatically that he wanted to swear under the Koran. Buckingham Palace have unfortunately not the Koran. Khan was eventually brought the Qur'an itself for the inaugural procession. Afterwards Khan Al Quran is intentionally left in the castle for the next person.
3. Leadership Khan in London is expected to cool the political situation in Europe is hit by Islamophobia.
Khantook office as mayor of London on Monday (05/09/2016). Khan's leadership as mayor of London is expected to reduce tension population of England and Europe as a whole ravaged phobia against Islam. Not to mention the bombing in Brussels and terror bombings in Paris last year were a bit much further damage the image of Islam as a religion of peace. Hopefully true if Khan can correct the image of Islam, while also spreading a message of peace to the world.
4. Previous Khan had served as minister of communications and transport minister
In 2008, the British Prime Minister at the time, Gordon Brown appointed Khan as minister of community. Before he was appointed as minister of transport. Lunge Khan in politics England admirable. Therefore he is the first Muslim in Britain who managed to occupy a position as minister. standing applause.
Welcome to Sadiq Khan, who was sworn in as mayor of London. Hopefully Khan can correct the image of Islam and spread the message of peace to the world.
Lectureisthe mainobligation ofyouas a student.But,that does not meanyou're notallowed to doother things outside ofthe academicaffairs.Moreover,as a studentschedule isveryflexible.Everydayyou'renot necessarily alsoschedulefull ofcollegeaffairs.
Free timeduring thestudentcanyouspend onsevenpoints below.So thatyouare better preparedto achieve success.In order foryouto winin theincreasinglyfiercecompetition.In order forlifenot just amatter ofsittingin class,andcollegelevelsofull of meaning 1.Sobutterfly(college-return-college-return)is delicious.But,temper ourselvesthroughthe organizationmuchmore helpful.
After a day ofschool,go home orboardingemangmost delicious.Youcanget some restorsimply relaxin theroom's pet.Feelinginheavenanyway,but do not jumphappy first.Before youfall asleep withkelenakanbutterfly(college-return-college-return),think againdehtotake part incampus organizations.
Createyourfree timeusefultotemper ourselvesina lotof experience,such as honingkekritisanmuin the opinion,deliberation,toexerciseleadership.Notsurprisingly,the organizationcanbea containeryoulearn how to expressanddevelopcreative ideasas well. 2.Do not forgetyour hobby.While stillyoung,it's numberonepassion
Lecturenotrein in itscagethathobbyyou have.For all youcleversplittime,justcook,paint,playmusic, browse photosorevenwriting cankeepyoulakoniwithoutdisturbingyour academicactivities.Who knowsyouselect ahobbyislainmutalent.Especially ifyou're notjustahobby,youmightbe someonewhois multitalented.Not onlyyoucanbe proud of ourselves,butoangtua,relatives andfriendsorevengebetanfelt thesame. 3.The original intentmayfindthe extra money.However,self-employedorworking part timealsohoneindependence.
Whenyour friendsto relax enjoythe pleasure ofbeing paidbyhis parents' money,youjustthink back tothe best solution,such as oneseeking extrapocket money.
Tohaveextra incomedo not needmulukmuluk.You simplyapplyto workpart timeina coffee shop,tokokbook,orphotocopiedinkampusmuown.Do notwant to workpart time,you canbegin tolearn entrepreneurship,such as being aforceoravendorsellinghomemadesnack.
Whatever it is,you dothisbusiness thathasa big share inhoningkemadirianand experience.At leastyoucan beone step aheadof your friendsgluedto academic activitiesonly. 4.Want toadda friend?Cobaindehparticipatehazingcommitteefor the sake ofthe extent ofthe association
Althoughnotjoinan organization,youshouldnotmiss totryyet another committeecampus activities.In addition to providingworkexperiencein the fieldas a team.Beingthe committee activitiesallowyoutoexpandthe association.Your friendwill bemorenotjustoneforceorfacultyonly.The extent ofthe associationalso makesyoulearntoeasily adapt tothe character andhabitsin a new environment. 5. Take advantage ofyourstudentstatusalsotosowantofaculty andcampus staff.This is guaranteedbeneficialtoyour careerpath.
Do not hesitateto communicatedirectlywith facultyorothercampus staff.Nottoseek the face,buttogainknowledgeandexperience ofothers whoare not necessarilyshared with the class.Gatheringthatyou wake upcanalsobe a means tocollectas many links aspossible.
Savingthislinkhelpfulfor thefuturecareerpath.Youjustdo notknowhow,butbelieveme,would have been useful 6.You arestill in school -your vacationcan definitely1-2months.Goingthe place thatcan add insight
Beforesorry, it's goodpassion fortravelingor travelyoufinishcollege.As long asthe opportunity to getoffweeksstill available.Becauselater on,whenyou enterthe world of work,do not expectthe dreamtorelaxcanprettymuch available.
Affairsfund,youcan stillwork around this bysaving fromfar-away daysbefore the holidaysarrive.That wayyoudo not have toask for money Additionalto the parent.Planalsocarefullyplacessoyour destinationadventure.
More funagain,if you candoittogether withclose friends. 7.While stillyoung,try dehapply forscholarships.Searchisnotjustgivingmoney,butalso the characterandleadership.
As long as young age, you can try to apply for a scholarship. Also
make sure that you select the scholarship fund education not only you,
but also provide a new experience in the development of the character as
a leader in the future. Such as Djarum Scholarship Plus program of Djarum Foundation that registration is now open! Djarum Scholarship Plus not only give you a scholarship fund for a year. You will also be equipped with a variety of training. From the concept of nationalism, communication and leadership
skills, to the opportunity to join a prestigious competition abroad,
there are so many benefits of Plus you can take from this scholarship.
You who wish to apply are required to have in the fourth semester. Absolute also has a GPA that qualified and liveliness in the organization. Want to know the next requirement? Checks on the following page yes. Do not forget to spread the info is also in the group of friends and
family Whatsapp Unfortunately dong that this info just stopped you? While they age by now, let hunting opportunity to develop themselves! In spare time, do not forget to try 7 of the above!
No leisure time may be spent to continue to study and learn.
Come taste the outside world!
Ithank youbecause yougiveme achancemelanjutkaheducation andI would be veryhappyif you givemethe freedomtochoosemajors.While we donot agreenowhopefullythere will be aroad.
Dissentisa natural thingto happen,in order to findasolution.For thatI hopeyou canunderstand what isfelt by the heart. 1.AdvicealwaysIthankyoubutsorryifIhavedifferent interests Youdo have aselection ofpromising jobprospectsbutI had somethingelsein thedream.That's what Ireallywant topursuethe idealsandbeproudof you. 2.For the future,Idid not want toregret Fordetermining the directionis notan easy case,very often weare notconsistent.I didnotwant to listen,it's just thatIdo not want toend up with nohope,because one can choosemajors. 3.Althoughoftenvacillatingpurpose,Iwill maintain I continuedwithmy choiceof what Iexploredforlater,butfor sure Iwillbeasignificantinits ownchosenfields. 4. Becausemenututknowledgethey need to fighthard,not just aformality Iwant to be ahigh quality graduatesthat are useful toothers, not just toearna college degree. 5. Allowmetobecome a personmore matureand responsible IfI was giventhe opportunity to choose,thenImustbe responsible forwhat I havechosen, because ofthepressure andwillassistthe process ofmaturation.Let metastethe sweetbitterness oflife. 6.HoweverIstill needyour supportin order to proceed No matter how hardI want to donothing withoutthe support ofthe family.The blessing ofhis parents wasthe main one.Andforyour loved onesdo not everget tired ofprayingforafavor,hopefully this canconvince youto believewhat Iwant.
The relationship is the interaction between two people who are committed to each other. On
his way, the name of the relationship will always be colored by the
tidal reasonable, given that the two sides have the desire and needs of
each. Two people who committed may look cool and fine. Other people would not think that behind the warmth displayed, the pair may be entered vulnerable moments.When the relationship is no longer as it used to be, there is certainly unpleasant feeling that led to the suspect in pair. She who was once close and attentive now feels increasingly distant. Then you may be wondering to myself, what the status of this relationship was at stake?
Sometimes, he has some need time to take a break from you.Saturated humane. You do not need to fear, because if like that, he will also be back to normal. But should be wary if he really intends to leave. Perhaps by recognizing the signs, you can know at this point you should be okay.Couples
who are bored take a moment to enjoy a different atmosphere, but he is
already saturated certainly deliberately looking for an excuse to get
Perhaps it was time he misses the times when she is free to nowhere and do nothing themselves. Your presence is not undesirable. Only, he might just want to feel anything else with it without you travel frequently.
But he will continue to ensure that you are okay. At least he will ask you where and spend time with anyone. That would make it quiet, so when you're not with him, he was not the meditation of all sorts.
Conversely, couples who had really no longer care about you will not even bother to check your condition when he was in a different place. Live without him already so the choice that he wants to make it clear to go away. Are you sensitive? Although want a free moment, she definitely longs to return. While the couple were deliberately away feeling there is nothing to be compromised again.
To avoid conflict, not infrequently just according to your partner and 'yes-yes' wrote. When in fact he wished for anything else, just afraid to hurt or upset. You have to be sensitive. A mature relationship is a relationship that is honest about the desires that arise from the heart. If he wants to own first, he would have told you.
Rather than suspicion and discredit him, give him time to enjoy his freedom. Not that you're so cool and let it go. Say that you believe in him and want him also to have fun, though not in the same place with you.
Such confidence will make relief and shorten even diversionary because anyway he would miss and come back to you. However if the confidence to ask for understanding things just is not there, it looks like the relationship you need to be redefined. No angry for the right reasons and not seem contrived to get one-sided victory.
Communication worsening phase through which couples who are bored. Therefore, often a misunderstanding that led to a long quarrel. This contention can be loaded with the cold war, or even heated quarrels.
You and she did have their own reasons to be angry. But he still loves you will refrain to hurt you too deep. If he is angry, it means that indeed there are things that disturb him. Things he wanted you to know because it could be he thought it was important.
In contrast to him who had planned dumped. Tiff will be made great, because in the end he had a valid reason to no longer be with you. He who wants to leave you ready to find a new replacement. But he who loves you merely want to have a new world.
The new world was not to replace you.
Naturally, since everyone can not only have a world whose content is limited to old things.We need dynamics. All the things that make us race faster and better again in the future. The question is whether the world that you can offer to compensate?
New hobby, new friends, new activities, new places even untouched by you. All that began to fill his days. He might enjoy it, but there is no desire at all to make it a reason to leave.
You may be jealous, but if you can barely understand that the journey towards unity does not always have to be side by side every time.
And you too, try to widen your world. At one point you will be united again and talked to topics not only that's it. Believe me, it's only temporary saturation. Naturally, he will be back as usual.
The most common error when dealing with the couple being cold are you so out of control and acting sucks. It would not make it close again, believe me. Just be patient and believe he needs from you, nothing more than that.
Kelaknya if he was finished with all contemplation in times saturated, he realized his goal just one: you. Trust and your support to him in times of fragile will increasingly make more convinced that you are the right person at his side. Wherever you are, he'll find you, apologize, and promise to be the version of him better. Because he really loves does not take long to get away.
From childhood to adulthood, a parent is that you trust. Father and mother so the best ofthe destination when you hit by problems or difficulties. They also who would be ready to give assistance without ever asking for a reply.
Yes, the role of parents is outstanding. But, you tell us that there is actually another figure in the family is no less powerful than them? He is occasionally will replace the role of parents when the father and mother was not there. He also laments the current share your place difficulty comes whack.
"Because he was born to be a formidable and extraordinary. He's older sister first born into the world, and the task to keep her sisters ... "
The older sister will always be a role model. Since childhood he forged in order to be good in the attitude and actions.
As the first child, big brother is a "test" first to be a parent. At this time, the father and mother will be trying to raise and educate him with the best. Ensure that one day when his younger brother was born, the elder can be used as a good example either in achievement and attitudes and daily actions. Moreover, as a sister, she would be educated so that always dependable. Because when the father or mother is not there, the sister who will be instrumental replace them.
Although born as a woman, toughness was tested so that younger siblings are also protected.
Sister, please accompany brother play first. Mom would cook ya.
Do not let the sister play out, yes. Danger many vehicles speeding in front of the house.
Yes, ma'am.
The older sister is a personal responsibility. When father and mother being hassles to settle the affairs of the house, the brother who always dependable. Although the work performed fairly simple as maintaining or accompany brother play, but the responsibility that he held no less true magnitude.
Accompany or look after younger siblings play certainly need vigilance. Do not let the little brother to do things that harm. From simple things toughness is the brother began to be forged. Although as a woman, she was educated so figure that could protect her sisters who are smaller and weaker. Circumstances made him accustomed to self. He is responsible to himself, also brothers cherished.
So the first child, or so her only child is a pleasure. At this moment, the father and motherwould not be a variety of affection and attention. Anyway, all devoted to one child only. But, what happens after one brother was born and younger siblings followed the others? TLC parents will be divided. At this point, there is no other choice but to grow so an independent person.
When the mother is busy doing homework while taking care of a younger brother, sister will attempt to accomplish these tasks themselves. Doing homework or preparing school supplies has become its own responsibility, without the need to be reminded of the father or mother. Even after more mature, older sister who would care to check or remind tasks for their school. When trouble comes, he will come forward to put the body and ready to blame.
Sister, sister school heck why not return this hour?
He said there is an additional lesson, Mom.
Kok gini not return until evening?
Duh, lest sister lying. Hmm ... let me check in deh school, Mom.
As a sister, she feels has a responsibility towards younger siblings. When sister did the wrong thing, the sister who will be trying to straighten. Even in times of crisis when the brother made mistakes that make people angry parents, brothers who did not hesitate to put the body. He is usually ready to be blamed by the father or mother because no matter how big brother who feels responsible for her younger siblings. Maturity and maturity is itself not be doubted. Sabar and succumb so things he used to do.
Born as the first son is giving him a lot of advantages. One is the maturity and maturity in him. When dealing with problems in the family, his sister can usually more patient and calm. Moreover, when the sister was the one who made a big deal, the brother is to be calming father and mother. Sister also who would think of a solution or a way out for the common good. Not necessarily in favor of the father and mother or sister alone. Sister will try to find a way out a problem is good for both. A sister so tell your place. When confused the choice, the older brother who was reluctant to listen and give feedback.
There are times when a sister faced with indecision. When selecting a subject or choose a job, for example. While as an adult, told the parents may no longer feel comfortable. And at this moment, you would be grateful to have an older sister. Because the brother is the most pleasant companion who is always willing to listen.
Responding to doubts being approached his sister, brother will try to provide input and help the younger sister to make a selection. Not that dictate or patronizing, big brother will only give advice which is good for the little brother. Chat with your sister will feel more relaxed, so that the sister can be more open and honest in storytelling. Grateful if he's in the family. The older sister so most dependable after parents.
You have a sister who deserve thanks. You are lucky if a formidable figure and exceptional there and become part of the family. He is the most unreliable after the elderly, so she was also the goal in the future be the parents are not there. Your sister is one of the best gift you have.
"Thanks to its presence in the family. A sister who made a remarkable indeed great. "